Covenant Community


Covenant Community is the outward expression of the inward reality that if you are in Christ, you belong to His people. We express this relationship to each other by uniting our hearts in worship, serving each other and the world, and practicing our faith together. Covenant Community is the place within Imago Dei where believers express their unity in Jesus and live out their faith together.

 Joining Eastside Covenant Community

Explore the resources below to learn more about what the Covenant Community is, what we believe, and how we live out our practices. If you are interested in becoming a part of Covenant Community, or want to learn more, email

  • The first step in Joining Eastside is attending the Learning Eastside class. This 1-hour deep dive helps you learn more about Eastside’s history, mission, vision, and practices.

    When a Learning Eastside class has been scheduled, they will be listed on our Events page.

    After attending Learning Eastside, you are invited to meet with a pastor or Elder, and finally invited to officially join the Eastside Covenant Community.

  • This document serves to explain what the Covenant Community is, what we believe and how we practice those belief. Read the document.

  • We enter into Covenant Community by making a commitment to confess and practice our faith as a diverse, yet united people of God.

    Read the Community Commitment.